We ask that bookmakers use their trading name on the booking form when purchasing their Daily Betting Badges online. This will ensure that the pitching up process is as efficient as possible and also assist with the refund process where applicable.
If you are not attending a meeting but have pre-purchased a Daily Betting Badge, the refund process is to reply to the confirmation or ticket email that you have received requesting a refund at the earliest opportunity and no later than when gates open for that particular meeting. The same process applies if requesting a refund for an additional staff member ticket that is no longer required. The tickets will be cancelled and a refund will be processed back to the card on which the purchase was made.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a refund is required after the gates have opened (e.g. you have attended the racecourse in the hope of getting a pitch from outside the numbers, but all pitches are full), then again reply to the confirmation email explaining the circumstances and the request will be confirmed via the Refunds Department once cross-referenced with the information supplied to the racecourse on the day by the Betting Ring Manager. All refund queries should be made by replying to the confirmation email.